Hey K4K Family!
With just over a week to go and Chelsea Carey just announced as a celebrity skip, it’s time to kick the fundraising into high gear.
We know it’s not easy to raise money, so here are a few ideas from the Oakville Hospital Foundation on how to get started.
How to raise $500 in 7 Days
- Show your commitment to Kurl for Kids and kick start your fundraising with a $50 donation. $50 = $50
- Ask 3 family members to donate $25.
$75 = $125 - Ask 5 friends to donate $15.
$75 = $200 - Ask 5 co-workers to donate $15.
$75 = $275 - Ask 3 businesses you frequent to donate $25.
$75 = $350 - Ask 15 of your Facebook friends for a $10 donation.
$150 = $500
Give one or all of these ideas a try and see what happens! Looking forward to seeing you all on April 13th.
#K4100K #28thK4K #itsforthekids